Tuesday, June 30, 2009
2007 Suzuki GSXR 600s Support Extreme Tandem Motorcycle Freestyle Riders
Rome Charpentier and Randie Liberatore have taken the world of extreme tandem motorcycle freestyle entertainment and made it their full time jobs. Also known as Rome and Randie 2 Up, the couple travel the world on someone else’s dime to put on extreme stunt shows. By the way 2 Up, stands for two people on one wheelie. 2007 Suzuki GSXR 600 holds Rome and Randie 2 up Rome is 22-years-old and Randie is about to turn 21. They go to bike parties, concerts and races to show off their coordination and style. “My favorite stunt is the hawk dragger,” said Randie. “It’s where I scrape my helmet on the ground in a wheelie. Rome’s is our tandem combo stunt.” Tandem combo is synchronized riding where Rome and Randie match their stunts on the same wheelie. Rome and Randie 2 up enter national motorcycle stunt competitions on their 2007 Suzuki GSXR 600s The San Diego, California residents started out performing for adrenaline junkies and thrill seekers. They did stunts for fun and before they knew it, people started hiring them for different events. Three years later their calendar is very busy. Rome and Randie 2 Up also compete nationally. Rome and Randie are also into stability. They have matching 2007 Suzuki GSXR 600s. “Our bikes are solid and smooth,” said Randie. “If they drop, they don’t break. Our bikes also handle very well.” The athletic couple use K&N Engineering products on their motorcycles. “We travel a lot and can be in dusty conditions one day and high elevations on the next day,” said Randie. “Our bikes run smoothly with K&N air filters, we also notice additional performance. K&N really makes a difference.” Their next gig is to wow the crowds at the musicians Anthem Tour in Southern California. “Our passion is having fun,” said Randie.
Suzuki GSXR 600s
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